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Why Do Community Service? Check out some opportunities! What Is Service Learning? Is an LVUSD program that requires students to participate in 15 hours of community service every year. Agoura High School hopes to provide opportunities specific to. Interests, in order to ensure that you find an experience that is meaningful. We are here to assist you in the process.
Through the Eye of My Camera! Guanajuato, Mexico 2015. Each year this exhibit get larger and more fantastic. Louise and I had a wonderful time just taking in all sights and people once again. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014. Bouquets to Art, de Young 2014.
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