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School Supplies for Next Year! RRISD Community Education Department is offering many fun and educational camps for students this summer. Registration begins on July 22. If you have questions or need further information, please call Brenda Heracleous. For next year NOW! Thank you in ad.
For math, continue having them count objects but also see if they can differentiate between the quantity of two or more groups based on sight, them confirm it by having them count. You can also write down a pair of numbers and have them identify the greatest and least of the two.
You have found your way to my page, Mrs. Please check out the pages and make yourself at home! We are human first, and everything else second. No person should be burdened with stereotypes. Let your judgement be consumed by understanding for your human brother and sister. A child only educated at school is an uneducated child.
Number Talks is a mental math routine we do several times a week. Students are getting SO good at explaining their mathematical thinking. During our study of sound, light and heat energy, students used different materials to create instruments. Then we put on a fantastic musical performance! November 7, 2015. Studying Objects in the Sky. Connecting Time and Number Lines.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016. Many students may receive new electronics for the holidays. Friday, December 2, 2016. Here is the latest news from the Live Oak Counseling Department. Monday, October 17, 2016. Parenting the Love and Logic Way. For the dates and times. Wednesday, September 28, 2016.
Welcome to Live Oak Elementary. This is district policy and helps to prevent the spread of illness to others. Your child is still considered contagious if their fever is reduced as a result of Tylenol or Ibuprofen. 1 A written request to admi.