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Moore Center for Economic Education. The Bessie Moore Center for Economic Education thanks you for taking your time to check out our new site. Browse our pages and check out all we have to offer you. As always, let us know if you have any questions. Council for Econ Ed Blog.
the Who, What, When, Where and Why. A cooperative group assessment activity challenges your students to connect economic concepts with facts that answer the 5 W Questions. Arkansas the who what when where and why standards. the who what when where why. Ar readers theater name cards.
Decision Making lesson for College. This PowerPoint and lesson are excellent ways to teach scarcity, choice and opportunity cost to learners of any age. Fabulous site for every Arkansas high school students. Learn about job opportunities, career paths, degrees, Arkansas colleges, scholarships and life after high school.
Pride in Arkansas Moore Center for EcEd. Click on the photo to go to the Moore Center website. Click on the Pride in Arkansas link that will display a PowerPoint that shows the regions of the state, industries, famous leaders and entrepreneurs, history and culture. This is a great overview of the state for your students. Arkansas Economics History Timeline Activity. The entrepreneur game score sheet.