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Another Day On The Exit Ramp. Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid-or Not. Cohabitation for the Common Good. Reflections on the Newtown Shooting. The Blood We See, The Justice We Choose. Meeting My Father I, II, III. Of Christmas Past and Present.
Deb Shinder is a blogger for TechRepublic, GFI Talk Tech to Me, Windowsecurity. com, lead writer for CloudComputingAdmin. com and author of over 20 books, including Scene of the Cybercrime. When the desktop died, and troubleshooting indicated it was a motherboard or processor issue, I had the crazy .
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In 12-step programs, you are asked to call everyone you have wronged and apologize to them. Why are you NEVER urged to call people who have wronged you and demand an apology? Or better yet, go after the bastards in court, expose them to their families, and call them out in front of friends. Do everything that is legal to confront those who wrong you.