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Designed for businesses to enhance their customer relationship managment. It helps to boost the sales force performance and optimize their efforts in a appropriate way. Why do Business buy? Solution allows customers to receive calls 24 hours a day along with Mobility provided by the 4G enabled best cellular network of Pakistan, removing the risk of missing any potential sales calls from the customers. Automated Customer Engagement read more.
ATS is the acronym for Alternative Trading System. ECN is the acronym for Electronic Communications Network. ECN is the ATS in the US. ABS is the acronym for Automated Bond System.
Hadith sur la foi- Al imane. Subscribe to my blog! Hadith sur la foi - Al imane. Al imanou bi3ou wa sab3ouna chou3ba, fa afdhalouha qawlou La ilaha illa Allah, wa adnaha imatoul adha 3ani ttariq, wal haya ou chou3ba minal imane .
دوبيتي مذهبي - تك بيتي مذهبي - اشعار مذهبي - اشعار تولي و تبري. اللهم العن الجبت و الطاغوت. برآنيم تا با زبان شعر دل هاي خود را آرام كنيم و يك قدم خود را به اهل بيت عليهم السلام نزديكتر نماييم و ان شاء الله يك مرجع خوب اشعار آئيني - مذهبي را فراهم كنيم. امیدواریم شما هم در اين امر ما را ياري نماييد . حضرت محمد صل الله عليه و آله.