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Our Banana Split Celebration for memorizing multiplication facts will be tomorrow afternoon. There will be no spelling this week. Science, Social Studies, Health.
MÄ‚ IERT, MA IUBESC, MA ACCEPT SI MA ONOREZ EXACT ASA CUM SUNT! 8222;Imi cer iertare sufletului meu ca nu l-am lasat sa se exprime in felul in care ar fi vrut si i-am distorsionat prin prejudecatile mele felul in care ar fi vrut sa experimenteze viata. Ma dezleg si de prejudecatile mele. Imi cer iertare mintii mele ca n-am sadit in ea mereu ganduri frumoase. Sunt libera in fiecare clipa.
Thursday, December 8, 2016. One of the biggest detriments of life is negativity, when your loved ones say negative things to you. But know this, when people say mean, damaging, negative, hurtful things which are said out of ignorance. Everyone acts out of their own pain.
Am a girly girl who loves awesome things! January 27, 2014. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.