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This blog will be a place to come to check out what is happening in our parish. We mainly focus on our Faith Formation program or whole parish events! Faith Formation Calendar 2014-15. Wednesday, July 1, 2015. Looking for some fun? WE have it for you. Consider checking out the Summer Youth Program hosted by various area parishes! Click the link to find out more! Summer Youth Program OLOR. Come to Delta Lake State Park. Beach volleyball, swimming, cookout and much more! .
Are You Talking to ME? Monday, September 9, 2013. Did you ever ask yourself if God could really. When Jesus spoke to people 2,000 years ago, he was also speaking to us today. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. How can you help? Please post .
Sunday, August 15, 2010. Is the manner in which Catholics believe God is revealed to the world.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010. In this session we will be learning and reflecting on the Mass and our relationship with God and with each other as we come together not only as individuals with unique gifts and talents, but as ONE body - the Body of Christ.
What Good Is a Saint? Sunday, August 22, 2010. Just before the Sunday game at Soldier Field, the Chicago Bears held a memorial service. Fans were invited to honor Walter Payton, the retired Chicago star running back who had died the previous week. Throughout our history, the Ca.
Friday, July 16, 2010. After watching the video above, please read an article about The Creed. After reading the article, please answer ALL of the questions below.
Wikispaces Classroom is now free, social, and easier than ever. Social Networking - Communities for Christ. Wikis - Interacting, Collaborating and Organizing for Ministry. Digital Storytelling - Evangelizing in the Digital World. Ten Great Ideas for the Catechetical Classroom or Ministry. These links will become active during the week of the module.
Mikä ihmeen puoli tuntia päivässä? Puoli tuntia blogin kirjoittamista päivässä riittää pitämään lääkärin loitolla. Missä olet, Jumala? Kirjoittamisesta, linnuista ja väreistä pitävä neiti-ihminen. Käyn välillä oksentamassa tuskaani blogeihin, mutta niitä hetkiä lukuunottamatta elämäni on varsin onnellista. Kokemuksesta tiedän kuitenkin, e.
Friday, June 18, 2010. Technology - Where I live. Where I live, there are a lot of technology around us such as public transportation. Especially, there are several train stations and lots of bus stations. They are the one of the most important technology for us. It is because they can take us to places fast and very easily. They are especially very essential for students like us. An Introduction to Where I live.
Monet kokevat syntyneensä väärän sukupuolen ruumiiseen. Heidän varttumisensa ja aikuisuutensa on haastavaa ja he tarvitsevat apua tilanteeseensa. On hyvä, että nämä asiat eivät nykyään ole tabu ja niiden kanssa tullaan julkisuuteenkin. Valitettavasti sukupuolenvaihdosleikkauksen suosiminen ratkaisuna aiheuttaa vain lisää ongelmia. Halu vaihtaa sukupuolta kertoo sukupuoli-identiteetin häiriöstä.