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Monday, August 20, 2012. Leaving on a jet plane. This is some type of alcohol that came in a teapot. Well, my last traditional Korean meal was great! I will miss Korean food and will have to find a good Korean restaurant in the States. The final stop in Korea is the 2012 World Expo in Yeosu. We decided to rent a car and drive back and forth from Sacheon for two days to see the Expo. I got my picture taken with the mascots for the Expo.
According to the Somerville Open Space and Recreation Plan 2008-2013. This site is to be developed into an Off-Leash Recreational Area. Park amenities are to include secure areas in which to bring a dog, as well as dog supplies to clean up after a dog and other pet-friendly features.
My personal blog for DukeEngage 2012. It will be interesting to see what this group does together upon our return, if anything. I hope so! Last Full Weekend Adventures! So, Saturday we went to tea at the Mount Nelson Hotel.
Aneb jak se žije pod Severní Koreou. Asi nejnavštěvovanější místo v DMZ, protože se sem může vkročit bez jakéhokoliv povolení a omezení. Jednalo se o vyhlídkové místo, odkud bylo možné přes ostnaté dráty pozorovat Severní Koreju. Hned za ostnatým drátem byly postaveny severokorejské hlídkové budovy, ve kterých seděli vojáci se zbraněmi v ruce. Poté jsme se přesunuli do tzv.
I could just imagine walking in the castle back in the old days. We walked all day, up hill, down hill more up hill and even climbed a few thousand stairs. It was beautiful just like a story book. Buildings inside the castle walls. Tight stairway to the top of the guard tower. The cathedral between 2 streets. The diners in the streets of Toledo. Lunch where we had octupus ink and peppers! A giant door to the Cathedral in Toledo.